[Diablo] D4 Season 4: Loot 2.0! D2s7 5/23. ‘The Merch Hungers' clan- see op. - Page 86 (2024)

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      Beasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular

      June 1

      I'm enjoying the Process of getting a bunch of 925 2 greater affix well rolled pieces so I can inevitably brick them with tempering and masterworking


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      surrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular

      June 1

      looking at tempers base bleed got a huge qol boost from stuff like rupture area and rend area so you can make rend not a tiny baby size

      seems like it could be pretty functional even just using vanilla stuff


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      Zek Registered User regular

      June 1

      I'd argue that not only is off-meta totally viable, but the game is actively more fun when you don't follow a build guide and instead try to experiment yourself around a theme you want to try. It gets you more engaged in actually thinking about the game's systems and making regular decisions. Mostly what makes an endgame viable build is simply figuring out how to stack as many different multiplicative damage bonuses together as possible.


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      surrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular

      June 1

      there is one thing in d4 i broke my "never look anything up online" rule for - attack speed

      i could reverse engineer most of the stuff but attack speed just made no f*cking sense

      then i saw how they implemented it and went off to find a folded frisbee to swallow

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      Ivan Hunger Registered User regular

      June 1

      Zek wrote: »

      I'd argue that not only is off-meta totally viable, but the game is actively more fun when you don't follow a build guide and instead try to experiment yourself around a theme you want to try. It gets you more engaged in actually thinking about the game's systems and making regular decisions. Mostly what makes an endgame viable build is simply figuring out how to stack as many different multiplicative damage bonuses together as possible.

      Another way to approach the game is just pick skills you think look cool and then work backward to jury rig them into a synergistic build. You're going to be watching your character perform the same six actions over and over again no matter what, so they might as well be something you enjoy looking at.

      There are caveats of course, such as how you generally don't want multiple spenders on your bar without a good reason. But even with just four to five cooldown slots to experiment with, that's a lot of wiggle room for playing around.


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      Zek Registered User regular

      June 1 edited June 1

      I think attack speed is one of those things where the mechanics of it are really complicated behind the scenes, but only because the devs tried to design it in a way that makes it feel like what players expect. Sort of like how a lot of games fake their RNG mechanics, because a simple random system creates bad luck streaks that don't feel random.

      I just think of it as a separate multiplicative damage bucket, which is very good as an affix, except that it has consequences for your resource costs. 1H vs 2H is mostly an even DPS tradeoff, except you probably don't want a 1H weapon in a build that doesn't have a generator, or that relies on maximizing damage in just one hit.

      Zek on

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      Zombie Gandhi Registered User regular

      June 1

      I have historically been willing to rig up a fun build based off my interests into like the 70's/80s range, but after that looked for some actual builds as I lack the patience and also the paragon board is confusing.

      But that is also because S1 and S2 took longer, and eventually I just wanted it done.
      This season feels better, and between less affixes and tempering I figure there is more fun to be had trying silly sh*t. Guess I'll roll Barb more until the boredom sinks in til next season

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      Corporal Carl Registered User regular

      June 1

      Is it just me or is it easier to get a character to level 100 than getting 5 max rubies for armour and 3 max diamonds for jewelry?

      Because 10.000 gem shards for a max gem is a lot!

      PSN (PS4-Europe): Carolus-Billius


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      forty Registered User regular

      June 1

      Just saw some Tortured Gifts in a non-helltide area. Is that a bug? Not sure how you'd open them with Cinders...

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      surrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular

      June 1 edited June 1

      forty theres a bunch of instancing errors so probs that

      invisible walls, helltide gifts persisting, french people, you name it

      also look at the fade on the charcoal chest down to the light grey at the bottom of the legpiece, so tasteful

      [Diablo] D4 Season 4: Loot 2.0! D2s7 5/23. ‘The Merch Hungers' clan- see op. - Page 86 (13)

      two-handed sword expertise not working with most damage buffs is really tilting blizzardo reporto

      surrealitycheck on


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      Corporal Carl Registered User regular

      June 1 edited June 1

      Have they added some horse cosmetics in the world drops? Because I have gotten 3 or 4 that I didn't have (I didn't play too much in season 2 and even less in season 3.)

      Corporal Carl on

      PSN (PS4-Europe): Carolus-Billius


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      surrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular

      June 1

      dam seeing wolves passively hitting for millions is pretty raw

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      Beasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular

      June 1 edited June 1

      I got the Avarice horsey armor and I discovered something unusual

      Idk if it's the seasonal horse itself or the horse armor but something's f*cked with the horse dash duration, it's at least halved using seasonal compared to a regular non seasonal horse/horse armor (more testing needed here but it's definitely one of those causing it)

      So if you ever felt like your horse dash wasn't lasting as long for some reason you're not going insane

      Beasteh on

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      Simpsonia Registered User regular

      June 1 edited June 1

      So what's your order of operations on upgrading gear these days and where do you stop if you miss on rolls? I'm very early midgame maybe? (only 925 gear without greater affixes looking for 3 proper affixes and 2 good tempers), but haven't yet dipped my toes into Masterworking yet.

      Do you do tempers first since it's easy to brick an item then go for enchanting to roll a 3rd affix, or other way around? At what cost (maybe as a percentage of your total gold) would you typically stop rolling for an affix? Does this change if you're hunting for a particular +skill affix?

      Anything else I should keep in mind for upgrading?

      Simpsonia on

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      Beasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular

      June 1

      Always temper first since enchant is fixable by throwing millions of gold at the problem

      I consider 5 mill per reroll 'time to throw this item in the f*cking garbage and find another one'


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      surrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular

      June 1 edited June 1

      Zombie Gandhi wrote: »

      surrealitycheck wrote: »

      like straight flay/rend/rupture? i assume its functional? numbers seem pretty good baseline and u can probs bruteforce it (but its inherently clunky so i cant imagine it will ever be as safe or fast as any of the "good" stuff rn)

      Yeah, those three fell behind other things more heavily at launch, so wondered if they changed. Was looking to mix and match those three plus maybe either Brawling or Steel Grasp, and avoiding triple Shout (which always feels ungood to me).

      But yeah, the concern probably is it'll work but it's always falling behind other options. Just wanna hit with a sword, no giant hammer for me!

      i threw together a pure flay build with untempered gear just to test and there was a funny rupture number which imo is conclusive proof its therefore the best build ever (tho legit u could pump that number into the stratosphere with better stuff but thats always true so - just a full set of flay duration tempers would get you to 200mill plus, then just aspect for no remove rupture and you could back to back them)

      [Diablo] D4 Season 4: Loot 2.0! D2s7 5/23. ‘The Merch Hungers' clan- see op. - Page 86 (22)

      re: enchanting

      i have a perfect amulet ive thrown well over 100million to hit cdr on and it just won't. but because ive used up all the bad luck i just need to get another 5mill together and it will be this time

      surrealitycheck on


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      Simpsonia Registered User regular

      June 1

      Ahh I just read that they put a cap on enchanting affix costs. I thought it still scaled near exponentially like it used to, where you could effectively brick an item due to the sheer cost of enchanting.

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      RespondPlease Registered User regular

      June 1

      No, now you just brick things faster with Tempering.


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      surrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular

      June 1

      RespondPlease wrote: »

      No, now you just brick things faster with Tempering.

      i like that you have two avenues now to own yourself; the direct and immediate brick or the long-term drain of dropping another 5million to hit an item that just needs the third affix

      its kind of inspirational


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      Zek Registered User regular

      June 1 edited June 1

      Note that the enchanting preview shows you all possible affixes, but they don't have equal probability of rolling, some are very rare especially in jewelry.

      I hope they add the ability to preserve the existing affix when you reroll a temper. It kind of sucks having to choose whether to sacrifice an okay stat for a chance at something better, which risks bricking the item entirely.

      Zek on

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      forty Registered User regular

      June 1 edited June 1

      I can't fathom why they haven't given us a separate inventory tab for NMD Sigils yet. They even removed the tab that used to be for Aspects! There's plenty of UI real estate there. Just put a tab there only for Sigils! Why pile them in with all the other consumables and special mats?

      forty on


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      Noggin Registered User regular

      June 1

      I’m glad they at least toned down the elixirs, because those were taking up way too much space before.

      For sigils, I never keep more than maybe 3-4 at a time. It feels so close to guaranteed I’ll have a new one each run that I don’t worry about saving them at all. Can always make a new one on the off chance I run out.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936


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      Forar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular

      June 1

      Given that we know the game is loading everyone's everything every time we cross paths, I'm guessing they're prioritizing removing things for us to lug around.

      Personally, I use the first tab for boss materials and sigils and assorted odds and ends, then I believe it's 2 for Uniques, and 3 for legendaries (Weapons/Armour/Jewelry).

      Just off the cuff, I suspect they don't want us stockpiling dozens and dozens of them.

      Personally, I usually carry a couple I'm likely to use on hand, and a bunch are stashed away.

      I agree it'd be nice, I'm just positing that perhaps they're trying to reduce how much stuff we can/want to lug around or stockpile, without explicitly taking away a bunch of storage space.

      Salvaging and crafting isn't super efficient, but I just sit on tens of thousands of powder and make 5-10 at a time when I want some options, re-salvaging the ones that I just don't feel like dealing with.

      First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERf*ckER!

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      Ivan Hunger Registered User regular

      June 1

      Even in builds where none of my skills or aspects generate extra resource and I'm not specifically targeting resource affixes, it feels like I now graduate out of needing a basic skill super early. Like, in the 60's.

      As far as I can tell, this is just a byproduct of shrinking the affix pool. Resource affixes are just so common on hats, gloves, and rings now that I passively collect them without specifically targeting them.

      As a consequence, I'm finding it a frequent occurrence that I need to plan ahead on what my build will look like with and without a basic skill so that I can make the transition when the time comes without screwing up my finger's muscle memory.

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      Noggin Registered User regular

      June 1

      The muscle memory is real. I was a mess for a while when I changed R2 from 3x-Hydras over to Flame Shield.

      Battletag: Noggin#1936


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      rndmhero Registered User regular

      June 2

      Speaking of weird half-finished builds, why does the necromancer have so many random cold things, but not enough to really put together a coherent cold build? There's frost mages, a couple uniques, and like one aspect, but no real synergy. Why even design the uniques? It's like a vestigial organ that was supposed to be fleshed out but was cut halfway through development, but they decided to ship a few parts that were already finished because whatever.


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      Beasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular

      June 2

      I think sorc should get their third passive back that was cut in beta

      They seem to be low on the totem pole rn given how dominating barb necro and rogue are


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      Ivan Hunger Registered User regular

      June 2

      Beasteh wrote: »

      I think sorc should get their third passive back that was cut in beta

      They seem to be low on the totem pole rn given how dominating barb necro and rogue are

      Lead class designer Adam Jackson said in one of his interviews that he wants to improve the class mechanics of the underperforming classes in ways that aren't just "number increases" and that the redesigned Book of the Dead for Necros was the first attempt at that.

      A third enchantment is the obvious low hanging fruit for Sorcs, I assume they just want to test it more before they implement it.

      For Druids, I figure what they should do is make it so that when you choose your patron animal spirit, you unlock all four passives associated with that spirit and also a fifth secret passive that can only be unlocked that way.

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      Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular

      June 2

      rndmhero wrote: »

      Speaking of weird half-finished builds, why does the necromancer have so many random cold things, but not enough to really put together a coherent cold build? There's frost mages, a couple uniques, and like one aspect, but no real synergy. Why even design the uniques? It's like a vestigial organ that was supposed to be fleshed out but was cut halfway through development, but they decided to ship a few parts that were already finished because whatever.

      it definitely seems like a lot of stuff got left on the cutting room floor, and/or got pushed out to the expansion

      a lot of classes have aspects where it's like... this seems interesting, but what build is it actually for?

      it was the smallest on the list but
      Pluto was a planet and I'll never forget


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      Ivan Hunger Registered User regular

      June 2

      rndmhero wrote: »

      Speaking of weird half-finished builds, why does the necromancer have so many random cold things, but not enough to really put together a coherent cold build? There's frost mages, a couple uniques, and like one aspect, but no real synergy. Why even design the uniques? It's like a vestigial organ that was supposed to be fleshed out but was cut halfway through development, but they decided to ship a few parts that were already finished because whatever.

      Bloodless Scream is the only cold-themed Necro unique. Frostburn and Penitent Greaves are generic (all class) uniques.

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      Krieghund Registered User regular

      June 2

      Sorc has been struggling since release, so they might want to get on that, lol.

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      surrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular

      June 2

      give her a fourth element; a hidden holster with a gun in it. thats right... its the element of surprise


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      Jubal77 Registered User regular

      June 2 edited June 2

      Krieghund wrote: »

      Sorc has been struggling since release, so they might want to get on that, lol.

      Not entirely they were top build there for a season or two and have had 1 or two top end since 1.0. They are also still top tier just edge. Blizzard and Frozen orb compete. incinerate will melt single target and do all content they just don't do 9 bil overkill DMG. Firebolt flamewall can go deep put too. They are close.

      Jubal77 on


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      surrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular

      June 2 edited June 2

      i killed uber lilith with spark + lightning spear only and it farms neathiron pit fine if a bit focus-requiring, and thats a sh*tpost, so from the pov of "can it do all the content you actually get unique rewards for" it seems ok

      but requires a bit more boutique setup for some of it i think (and i had to learn the fight mechanics which is a sure sign its a bad build kek)

      in general sorc feels like a lot of her "intended" builds are weak unless you pick the ones that currently have coincidental massive temper support because the way she's designed you feel like you should be able to pick a spell and go ham on it. you can crowbar any of them into working but it definitely feels more uphill

      there's a bunch of things that need to be fixed post-item changes, like rogue paragons that still need "damage with ultimate" (lol) and a bunch of uniques that just have sh*t stats in comparison to good legendaries and so make themselves useless, which would help

      some uniques could really use temper mods added just as generic mods, eg the upheaval hammer could have an upheaval area mod added to it

      this is particularly bad for sorc unique staves that are replacing the new double proj tempers etc. they should let sorcs and druids wear two amulets to represent their commitment to bling

      surrealitycheck on

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      Grislo Registered User regular

      June 2

      Yeah, some uniques are a huge downgrade atm just because they are an item type that can get good tempers. Some uniques were borderline when they were just competing with aspects, and those are f*cked now.

      This post was sponsored by Tom Cruise.


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      Simpsonia Registered User regular

      June 2

      surrealitycheck wrote: »

      give her a fourth element; a hidden holster with a gun in it. thats right... its the element of surprise

      Pair it with a red cassock and your other main weapons, fear and ruthless efficiency.


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      Zombie Gandhi Registered User regular

      June 2

      Yeah while.I like the changes, the Unique.chase has certainly been hit, and that chase felt more... engaging? Than just full sets of Oranges.

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      Beasteh THAT WOULD NOT KILL DRACULARegistered User regular

      June 2

      i wish being level 100 with a profane mindcage active increased your chase of seeing greater affixes

      as it is once you've got a bunch of single GA gear tempered and masterworked it can take tens of hours before you see a potential upgrade drop


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      m!ttens he/himRegistered User regular

      June 2

      surrealitycheck wrote: »

      give her a fourth element; a hidden holster with a gun in it. thats right... its the element of surprise



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      Grislo Registered User regular

      June 2

      It's a classic move in wizard duels:

      [Diablo] D4 Season 4: Loot 2.0! D2s7 5/23. ‘The Merch Hungers' clan- see op. - Page 86 (51)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cZqRzHnI8s

      This post was sponsored by Tom Cruise.



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    [Diablo] D4 Season 4: Loot 2.0! D2s7 5/23. ‘The Merch Hungers' clan- see op. - Page 86 (2024)


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