The Most Surprising Super Bowl Commercial Statistics And Trends in 2024 • Gitnux (2024)


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  • Last Updated: December 16, 2023

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Super Bowl commercials have become an integral part of the annual event, with companies spending millions to get their message out. From 2008 to 2021, the average cost of a 30-second Super Bowl commercial has increased by 96%, reaching $5.6 million in 2021. The total ad time for this year’s game was 58 minutes and 30 seconds, featuring 77 spots from various advertisers including Anheuser-Busch who is the all-time leading advertiser having spent more than $600 million since 1989. In 2020, the average cost per thousand (CPM) for a Super Bowl ad was $36.92 while 78% of surveyed Americans believe that these ads are entertaining and were watched by 98.2 million people in 2019 alone. Furthermore, 97% of Super Bowl ad ROI came through digital and social engagement as internet search volume for “Super Bowl Commercials” increased 2,800%. 54% said that commercials during the game were their favorite part while 59% reported being more likely to purchase after watching a brand’s advertisem*nt on TV or online platforms such as YouTube or Facebook where 12 % employed humor as main creative strategy . Apple’s iconic “1984” had production budget worth only 650K back then but now brands spend much higher amounts due to 34 % increase in digital advertising expenditure around this period which also generates 79 % viewership post match day according to surveys conducted recently . Auto manufacturers accounted nearly 30 percent share when it comes down investing into super bowl advertisem*nts making it one most expensive yet effective way reach out potential customers worldwide .

The Most Important Statistics

The average cost of a 30-second Super Bowl commercial has increased by 96% since 2008.

This statistic is a testament to the immense value of Super Bowl commercials. It shows that, despite the economic downturn of 2008, the cost of a 30-second Super Bowl commercial has continued to rise, indicating that advertisers are willing to pay more for the privilege of reaching a massive audience. This statistic is a clear indication that Super Bowl commercials remain a powerful marketing tool.

The 2021 Super Bowl commercial rate reached $5.6 million for a 30-second spot.

This statistic is a testament to the immense value of Super Bowl commercials. It shows that companies are willing to pay a hefty price to get their message out to a massive audience. This speaks to the power of the Super Bowl as a platform for advertising and the potential for companies to reach a wide range of viewers.

Super Bowl Commercial Statistics Overview

The total ad time in the 2021 Super Bowl was 58 minutes and 30 seconds.

This statistic is a key indicator of the impact of the Super Bowl on the advertising industry. It shows the amount of time dedicated to commercials during the event, which is a reflection of the amount of money spent by companies to get their message out to the world. It also provides insight into the amount of attention that the Super Bowl receives from viewers, as well as the amount of money that companies are willing to invest in order to reach a large audience. In short, this statistic is a valuable insight into the power of the Super Bowl as an advertising platform.

Super Bowl 2020 had a total of 77 commercial spots.

The fact that Super Bowl 2020 had a total of 77 commercial spots is a telling statistic that speaks volumes about the event’s popularity. It shows that the Super Bowl is a highly sought-after platform for companies to showcase their products and services, and that the event continues to draw in a large audience. This statistic is an important indicator of the Super Bowl’s success and its ability to attract a wide range of advertisers.

Anheuser-Busch is the all-time leading Super Bowl advertiser, having spent more than $600 million on ads since 1989.

This statistic is a testament to the power of Super Bowl advertising. It shows that Anheuser-Busch has invested heavily in the event, and that their investment has paid off. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of Super Bowl advertising for companies looking to make an impact on a large audience.

In 2020, the average cost-per-thousand (CPM) for a Super Bowl ad was $36.92.

The fact that the average cost-per-thousand (CPM) for a Super Bowl ad was $36.92 in 2020 is a telling statistic when it comes to Super Bowl Commercial Statistics. It speaks to the immense value that companies place on the opportunity to advertise during the Super Bowl, as well as the potential return on investment that can be achieved. This statistic is a key indicator of the power of the Super Bowl as a platform for marketing and advertising.

78% of surveyed Americans believe that Super Bowl ads are entertaining.

This statistic is a testament to the power of Super Bowl commercials. It shows that the majority of Americans find them entertaining, which speaks to the creativity and effectiveness of the ads. This statistic is important to consider when discussing Super Bowl Commercial Statistics, as it demonstrates the impact these ads have on viewers.

Super Bowl ads were watched by 98.2 million people in 2019.

The fact that 98.2 million people watched Super Bowl ads in 2019 is a testament to the immense popularity of the event. It speaks to the power of the Super Bowl as a platform for advertisers to reach a massive audience, and it highlights the importance of the event in the minds of viewers. This statistic is a clear indication that Super Bowl commercials are an integral part of the experience, and that they are an effective way to reach a large number of people.

In 2017, 97% of Super Bowl ad ROI was generated through digital and social engagement.

This statistic is a testament to the power of digital and social engagement when it comes to Super Bowl commercials. It shows that the majority of the return on investment for Super Bowl ads is generated through digital and social media, indicating that these platforms are essential for maximizing the impact of Super Bowl commercials.

Internet search volume for the term “Super Bowl Commercials” increased by 2,800% on Super Bowl Sunday in 2019.

This statistic is a clear indication of the immense interest in Super Bowl Commercials on Super Bowl Sunday in 2019. It shows that people were actively searching for information about the commercials, which is a testament to the power of the Super Bowl as a platform for advertising. This statistic is a valuable insight into the impact of Super Bowl commercials and can be used to inform future marketing strategies.

In 2019, 54% of Super Bowl viewers said that commercials during the game were their favorite part of the event.

This statistic is a testament to the power of Super Bowl commercials. It shows that a majority of viewers are tuning in to the game specifically to watch the commercials, making them an integral part of the event. This statistic is important to consider when discussing Super Bowl Commercial Statistics, as it demonstrates the impact that these commercials have on viewers.

In 2020, 12% of Super Bowl ads employed humor as their main creative strategy.

This statistic is significant in the context of Super Bowl Commercial Statistics because it provides insight into the creative strategies used by advertisers to capture the attention of viewers. Humor is a powerful tool for engaging audiences, and the fact that 12% of Super Bowl ads employed it as their main creative strategy indicates that humor is an effective way to reach viewers. This statistic can be used to inform future Super Bowl ad campaigns and help advertisers create more effective commercials.

In 1984, Apple’s iconic “1984” ad had a production budget of $650,000.

This statistic is a testament to the power of Apple’s “1984” ad. It shows that the company was willing to invest a significant amount of money into the production of the commercial, demonstrating their commitment to creating an impactful and memorable advertisem*nt. This statistic is important to consider when discussing Super Bowl Commercial Statistics, as it serves as an example of the potential success that can be achieved with a well-crafted and well-funded commercial.

In 2020, 79% of consumers said they would watch Super Bowl commercials again after the game ended.

This statistic is a testament to the power of Super Bowl commercials. It shows that even after the game has ended, viewers are still interested in watching the commercials again. This indicates that the commercials are memorable and engaging enough to keep viewers interested even after the game has ended. This is an important statistic to consider when discussing Super Bowl commercial statistics, as it shows the lasting impact of these commercials.

Super Bowl 2019 had a combined 170.7 million social media interactions across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter about the commercials.

This statistic is a testament to the power of Super Bowl commercials. It shows that the ads aired during the game had a huge impact on social media, with millions of people discussing them. This demonstrates the reach of the commercials and the influence they had on viewers. It also highlights the importance of the Super Bowl as a platform for brands to reach a large audience.

In 2021, 35% of people watching the Super Bowl would do so on a TV connected to the internet or streaming device.

This statistic is significant in the context of Super Bowl Commercial Statistics because it indicates that a large portion of viewers are now watching the game through streaming devices or TVs connected to the internet. This means that advertisers have the opportunity to reach a larger audience than ever before, as streaming devices and internet-connected TVs are becoming increasingly popular. This could lead to more effective targeting of Super Bowl commercials, as well as more creative and innovative ways to reach viewers.

In 2015, auto manufacturers accounted for nearly 30% of total ad spending during the Super Bowl.

This statistic is a telling indication of the importance of auto manufacturers in the Super Bowl advertising landscape. It speaks to the immense value that these companies place on the platform, as they are willing to invest a significant portion of their ad budget into the event. This is a clear sign that the Super Bowl is a powerful platform for reaching a large audience and making an impact.


The statistics presented in this blog post demonstrate the immense popularity of Super Bowl commercials and their increasing cost. The average cost for a 30-second spot has increased by 96% since 2008, reaching $5.6 million in 2021. Anheuser-Busch is the all-time leading advertiser, having spent more than $600 million on ads since 1989. Additionally, 78% of surveyed Americans believe that Super Bowl ads are entertaining and 98.2 million people watched them during 2019’s game alone. Furthermore, 97% of ad ROI was generated through digital engagement while 54% said commercials were their favorite part of the event – proving just how influential these advertisem*nts can be to viewers across America each year.


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What is the cost for a 30-second Super Bowl commercial?

The cost for a 30-second Super Bowl commercial in 2021 is around $5.5 million.

Which brand has aired the most Super Bowl commercials?

Anheuser-Busch InBev, a beer and beverage company, has aired the most Super Bowl commercials, primarily featuring their Budweiser and Bud Light products.

Which Super Bowl ad is considered one of the most memorable of all time?

Apple's 1984 commercial for the Macintosh computer, directed by Ridley Scott, is considered one of the most memorable and iconic Super Bowl ads of all time.

How are Super Bowl commercials rated for their effectiveness and popularity?

Super Bowl commercials are often rated based on factors like creativity, entertainment value, and emotional impact, as well as their overall effectiveness in promoting the brand or product. The USA Today Ad Meter is one of the most popular rating systems for Super Bowl ads, measuring public opinion through surveys and ratings.

What is the impact of social media and online platforms on Super Bowl commercials?

Social media and online platforms have transformed Super Bowl commercials by allowing brands to engage with viewers before, during, and after the game, as well as extending the lifespan of their campaign. Companies often utilize social media to create buzz and anticipation in the weeks leading up to the game through teaser videos and promotions, and continue the conversation after the game by releasing behind-the-scenes content, extended cuts, and interactive campaigns.

How we write our statistic reports:

We have not conducted any studies ourselves. Our article provides a summary of all the statistics and studies available at the time of writing. We are solely presenting a summary, not expressing our own opinion. We have collected all statistics within our internal database. In some cases, we use Artificial Intelligence for formulating the statistics. The articles are updated regularly.

See our Editorial Process.

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The Most Surprising Super Bowl Commercial Statistics And Trends in 2024 • Gitnux (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.