Abajo Red-on-orange
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Abiquiu (Biscuit A) Black-on- (gray) white
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Acoma Polychrome
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Acomita Polychrome
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Agua Fria Glaze-on-red
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Ako Polychrome
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Alma Incised-Punched
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Alma Neckbanded
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Alma Polished Plain
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Alma Rough
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Alma Scored
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Apache Plain
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Arboles Black-on-white
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Arboles Gray
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Arboles Neckbanded - Clapboarded - Coiled
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Arenal Glaze Polychrome
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Ashiwi Polychrome
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Awatovi Black-on-yellow
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Babicora Polychrome
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Bancos Black-on-white
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Bandelier (Biscuit B) Black-on- (gray) white
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Bennett Gray
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Bidahochi Polychrome
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Biscuit Ware Types General Description
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Black Mesa Black-on-white
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Blue Shale Corrugated
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Bluff Black-on-red
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Borger Cordmarked
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Brimhall Black-on-white
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Cameron Polychrome
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Captain Tom Corrugated
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Carnue Gray Utility
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Casas Grandes (Convento) Plain and Textured
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Casitas Red-on-brown
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Cebolleta Black-on-white
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Cedar Creek Polychrome
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Chaco Black-on-white
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Chaco P II III Corrugated
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Chaco P III Corrugated
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Chapin Black-on-white (Rosa Style)
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Chapin Gray
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Chupadero Black-on-white
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Cimarron Micaceous
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Corona Corrugated
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Corona Plain
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Corralitos Polychrome
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Cortez Black-on-white
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Crozier Black-on-white
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Crumbled House Black-on-white
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Deadmans Black-on-red
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Dinetah (Gobernador) Textured Gray
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Dinetah Gray
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Dolores Corrugated
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Drolet Black-on-white
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Espinoso Glaze Polychrome
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Galisteo Black-on-white
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Gallina Black-on-white
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Gallup Black-on-white
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Gila (Clff) Plain Slipped Red / Smudged
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Gila (Cliff) Plain Utility - Smudged
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Gila Polychrome
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Glaze III Polychrome (Pecos Valley) (C)
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Glaze IV Polychrome (Pecos Valley) (D)
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Glaze V Polychrome (Pecos Valley) (E)
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Glaze VI Bichrome(Pecos Valley) (F)
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Gobernador Polychrome
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Gray Hills Banded
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Hawikuh Polychrome
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Heshotauthla Black-on-red - Polychrome
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Hispanic (Manzano) Polished Black
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Hispanic Micaceous
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Hunter Corrugated
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Isleta Red-on-tan
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Jeddito Black-on-orange - Polychrome
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Jeddito Black-on-yellow - Engraved - Stippled
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Jeddito Corrugated
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Jeddito Plain
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Jeddito Tooled
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Jemez (Colono Ware) Black-on-white / White
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Jemez Black-on-white
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Jemez Gray Polished Interior
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Jemez River Polychrome
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Jemez Smeared / IndentedCorrugated
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Jornada Brown
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Jornada Plain Slipped Red
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Kana'a Black-on-white
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Kana'a Gray Neckbanded
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Kayenta Polychrome
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Kechipawan Polychrome
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Kiapkwa Polychrome
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Kiatuthlanna Black-on-white
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Kiet Siel Gray
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Kiet Siel Polychrome
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Kintiel - Klagetoh Polychrome
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Kiua Polychrome
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Klagetoh Black-on-white
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Kotyiti Glaze Red-Yellow-Polychrome
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Kuaua Glaze Polychrome
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Kwahe'e Black-on-white
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Kwakina Polychrome
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La Plata Black-on-white
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Laguna Polychrome
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Largo Glaze-on-Yellow-Red-Polychrome
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Lincoln Black-on-red
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Lino Black-on-white
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Lino Gray
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Mancos Black-on-white
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Mancos Corrugated
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Mancos Gray
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Mangas (Boldface or Style I) Black-on-white
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Matsaki Red-on-buff - Polychrome
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McDonalds Corrugated
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McElmo Black-on-white
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Medicine Black-on-red
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Mesa Verde Black-on-white
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Mesa Verde Corrugated
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Mimbres Classic (Style III) Black-on-white - Polychrome
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Mimbres Transitional (Style II) Black-on-white
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Moccasin Gray (Neckbanded)
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Mogollon Red-on-brown
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Mummy Lake Gray
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Naschitti Black-on-white
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Nava Black-on-white
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Navajo Gray
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Navajo Painted
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Newcomb Black-on-white
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Newcomb Corrugated
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Northern Rio Grande (Pojoaque) Neckbanded
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Northern Rio Grande Coiled Clapboarded Gray
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Northern Rio Grande Early Plain Gray
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Northern Rio Grande Indented Corrugated
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Obelisk Utility
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Ocate Micaceus
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Ochoa Indented Corrugated - Plain Brown
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Ogapoge Polychrome
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Paayu Polychrome
Payan Corrugated
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Payupki Polychrome
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Pecos Blind (Smeared) Corrugated
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Pecos Plain Polished Smudged Faint to Heavy Striated
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Pecos Glaze Polychrome
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Pecos Plain Faint to Heavily Striated Gray
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Pecos Plain Polished Red
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Pecos Plain Polished Smudged
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Pecos Plain Unpolished Utility
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Pena Black-on-white
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Piedra Black-on-white (Northern San Juan)
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Piedra Black-on-white (Upper San Juan)
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Piedra Gray
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Pindi Black-on-white
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Pinedale Black-on-red - Polychrome
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Pinedale Black-on-white
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Pinnawa Glaze-on-white
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Pinto Polychrome
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Pitoche Plain
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Pitoche Ribbed Coil (Corrugated)
Marshall, Michael P., and Henry J. Walt
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Playas Incised Red - Brown
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Playas Red - Red-on-brown
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Potsuwi'i Incised - Plain
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Pottery Mound Glaze Polychrome
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Powhoge Polychrome
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Puaray Glaze (E) Polychrome
Mera, H. P.
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Puerco Black-on-red - Polychrome
Carlson, Roy L.
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Gladwin, Harold, S.
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Puerco Black-on-white
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Puname Polychrome
Frank, Larry and Francis H. Harlow
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Ramos Black
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Ramos Polychrome
DiPeso, Charles C., John B. Rinaldo, y Gloria C. Fenner
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Ranchitos Polychrome
Ferg, Allan
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Red Mesa Black-on-white
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Red Mesa Black-on-white (NRG)
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Reserve Black-on-white
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Reserve Incised Corrugated/Smudged
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Reserve Indented Corrugated/Smudged
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Reserve Plain Corrugated/Smudged
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Reserve Plain Smudged
Nesbitt, Paul
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Rosa Black-on-white
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Rosa Gray
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Rosa Neckbanded
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Rowe Black-on-white
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Sakona Black-on-tan - Polychrome
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Salado Red
Salado White-on-red
Salinas Red
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Sambrito Utility
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San Andres (Broadline) Red-on- brown/terracotta
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San Bernardo Polychrome
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San Clemente Glaze Polychrome
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San Francisco Red
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San Ildefonso Polychrome - Black-on-red
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San Juan Red-on-tan
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San Lazaro Glaze Polychrome
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San Marcial Black-on-white
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San Marcos Glaze on red-yellow-polychrome
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San Pablo Polychrome
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Sankawi Black-on-cream
Harlow, Francis H.
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Sanostee Black-on-red
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Santa Ana Polychrome
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Santa Fe Black-on-white
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Santo Domingo Polychrome
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Sapawe (Late Polished Interior Variety) Micaceous
Snow, David
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Sapawe Micaceous Washboard
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Seco Corrugated
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Sheep Springs Banded
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Showlow Polychrome
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Sierra Blanca (Playas Variety) Incised )
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Sierra Plain
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Sikyatki Polychrome - (Awatabi) Engraved - Stippled
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Sosi Black-on-white
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South Pecos Brown
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Springerville Polychrome
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St Johns Black-on-red - Polychrome
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Starkweather Smudged Decorated
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Tabira Plain White
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Tallahogan Red
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Talpa Black-on-white
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Taos Black-on-white
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Taos Corrrugated
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Taos Gray
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Taos Incised
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Taos Micaceous
Eiselt 2005
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Taylor Black-on-white
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Techado Polychrome
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Tesuque Polychrome
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Tesuque Smeared Corrugated
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Tewa (Kapo) Polished Black
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Tewa Polished Buff
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Tewa Polished Micaceous - Smudged
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Tewa Polished Red
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Tewa Polychrome
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Tewa Unpolished Micaceous
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Theodore Black-on-white
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Three Circle Neckcoiled
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Three Circle Red-on-white
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Three Rivers Red-on-terracotta
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Toadlena Black-on-white
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Tocito Neckbanded
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Tohatchi Neckbanded
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Tohatchi Red
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Tonto Polychrome
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Trampas Black-on-white
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Tsegi Black-on-orange
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Tsegi Orange - Red-on-orange
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Tucson / Maverick Mountain Polychrome
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Tularosa Black-on-white
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Tularosa Fillet Rim Smudged
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Tularosa White-on-red
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Tunicha Black-on-white
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Tusayan Black-on-red
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Tusayan Black-on-white
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Tusayan Polychrome
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Twin Trees Gray
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Vadito Black-on-white
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Valencia (Salinas) White
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Vallecitos Black-on-white
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Villa Ahumada Polychrome
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White Mesa Black-on-white
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White Mound Black-on-white
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Wingate Black-on-red - Polychrome
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Wiyo Black-on-white
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Zia Polychrome
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Zuni Polychrome
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