Magic Mushrooms 101 - Everything you need to know - Mushly. (2024)

Magic mushroom dosage
Takingthe appropriate dosage of magic mushrooms is vital to ensuring apositive and safe psychedelic experience. As with other factors, theeffects of a particular dose of magic mushroomsvaries from one personto the next. The appropriate dosage for a pleasant and enlighteningpsychedelic experience or journey is highly dependent on whether you’re amagic mushroom first-timeror a regular and well-versed magic mushroomconnoisseur.

Ifthis is your first experience with magic mushrooms, it is important tostart small! The first thing you need to decide is if you want to startwith a sub perceptual “microdose” or a “tripping” low dose.In mostcases it is recommended that first-time magic mushroom users start offwith a microdose. Microdosing refers to the practise of consuming a verylow dose of a psychedelic substance,which, in this case, is magicmushrooms. Microdosing is a great place to start if you’ve never triedpsychedelics/magic mushrooms before or if you’re nervous or anxiousabout altering yourconsciousness so intensely. The good thing about amicrodose magic mushroom experience for first-time or inexperiencedusers is that it is subtle and is likely to only make you feel slightlydifferent. It also has the potential to make you feel more open,in-tune, empathetic, productive, and creative, depending on yourresponse.

Ifyou are however looking to experience a slightly deeper psychedelicjourney, it is safe to start with a low “tripping” dose (two grams orless), sometimes known as a “museum dose” for your firsttime. The term‘museum dose’ refers to the ability of magic mushrooms to shift one’sperception just enough, while still maintaining decent contact withreality. If you are considering going thisroute as opposed tomicrodosing, it is important to keep in mind that doses in the one totwo-gram range can still be a powerful experience with distinct sensorychanges. It therefore has thepotential to be disconcerting anduncomfortable if you’re not totally relaxed and in a safe, familiar, andcomfortable environment when taking magic mushrooms for the first time.

Whenembarking on your first magic mushroom or psychedelic journey, theremay be a moment where you feel bold, brave, and highly tempted to take ahigher dosage than typicallyrecommended for first-time users – DON’T!Keep in mind that you can always take more if needed and if it is deemedsafe and appropriate to do so, but, if you’ve taken too much, you can’ttakeless! It is thus highly recommended that you start low on yourfirst time in order to get acquainted with how magic mushrooms make youfeel as well as to practice your tripping navigation skillsbeforetaking high dose journeys. This way you will be ready and far morecomfortable and prepared for more intense psychedelic experiences if youprogressively work your way up to higherdoses over the course of a fewtrips.

Moreexperienced magic mushroom users on the other hand can consume muchlarger doses of magic mushrooms compared to first-time users. Theseindividuals will often consume up to 5grams or more at once, which willtypically result in intense psychoactive and hallucinogenic effects.First-time or inexperienced users are advised to not consume such largedoses as it has thepotential to lead to paranoia.

General magic mushroom dosage range:

• Microdose: 0.1 – 0.5 grams
• Low Dose: 0.5 – 2 grams
• Moderate Dose: 2 – 3.5 grams
• High Dose: 3.5 – 5 grams and above

Itis important to note that these above doses are for dried magicmushrooms/Psilocybe cubensis. If you are consuming fresh mushrooms,you’ll want to multiply it by 10 to account for the waterweight.However, if you are consuming a different species of mushroom, safedoses may be even lower. In this case, it is essential to get as muchinformation as possible on the strength of themushroom as well as anyother important details that may affect your dosage requirements.Overall, the safest way to consume a new batch of mushrooms is to startlow in order to get a properfeel for its effects, before you decide todive into higher dose journeys.

Duration of your trip
Theentire psychedelic experience can last anywhere between four to eighthours, averaging at around six hours. Keep in mind that this is highlydependent on a range of variables, especially yourdosage. Magicmushrooms can take anywhere between 15 – 45 minutes to several hours toreally kick in and start taking effect depending on how you consumedthem. Regardless of how long ittakes, it is vital to not get antsy andnervous about it or take more if you don’t feel the effects coming on asquickly as you’d like – just be patient.

Ithas been estimated that the ‘peak’ of the magic mushroom’s effects (AKAwhen they are at their strongest) typically occurs between two and fourhours after consumption.

General magic mushroom trip timeline
The general arch of your psychedelic experience after taking magic mushrooms typically follows the following trip timeline:

*Note: It is important to note that this is a generalised timeline and can vary significantly from person to person.

• Come up: First two hours
• Peak: Around three to four hours after ingesting
• Come down slowly: From hours four to six, generally

Besidesthe fact that the magic mushroom trip timeline varies from one personto the next, the mushroom experience also comes on and off in waves,especially towards the end of the trip. Whileyou might feel like yourmagic mushroom psychedelic journey has come to an end at hour four ofyour trip (especially if you compare it to the intensity of your peak),it will suddenly, and oftenunexpectedly, feel like new psychedelic lifehas been breathed into you as another wave of psychedelic effectswashes over you.

Itis therefore important to be as relaxed as possible towards the end ofyour psychedelic journey, and not to rush this incredible experience,forcing yourself straight back into the harsh reality ofnormality. Justcontinue to embrace the experience and let the mushrooms’ tide rescindnaturally.

Set & Setting
Yourset and setting are easily two of the most important factors toconsider when preparing for any psychedelic experience. First off, let’sclarify the terms ‘set’ and ‘setting’. Set and setting refersto theinterplay between substances, your internal state, and externalenvironment. If you’ve ever taken the same dose of the same psychedelicdrug in two completely different environments, youhave likely not onlyexperienced “set and setting” but developed a certain appreciation forit. When it comes down to the crux of it, it all boils down to the factthat psychedelics have the unique anduncanny ability to make youacutely aware and hyper-sensitive to what you are experiencing withinyourself as well as what is going on around you in your outsideenvironment. Simply put, bothyour internal and external stateultimately have an influence on your overall psychedelic experience –this undoubtedly makes both your set and setting vital to yourpsychedelic journey.

‘Set’reflects your inner climate or internal state. It refers to variousinternal factors such as your beliefs, perceptions, mood, emotionalstate, and personality. Our own internal state and/or mindsetacts as alens through which we see the world, essentially influencing how weexperience and process reality in any situation. When it comes topsychedelics, these substances have a way ofintensely amplifying thoselenses and heightening the specific situation as well as the variousinternal and external factors. It almost acts as a mirror or magnifyingglass to its user’s state of mind,directly reflecting what they areexperiencing both internally and externally. For example if you arefeeling stressed or anxious, it could easily function as ananxiety-inducing drug. Similarly if youare feeling inspired andcreative, it could equally serve as a creativity enhancer. Should it bespiritual, then spirituality will be heightened. It therefore directlyreflects and mirrors the state that youare in.

Itis a great idea to set intentions for your trip. Ask yourself why youwant to take magic mushrooms and what you hope to gain from theexperience.

Fora positive and rewarding psychedelic experience, it is important thatyou enter your psychedelic journey with a positive mindset and that youare feeling happy, healthy, confident, andcomfortable. Make sure youdon’t have any important commitments for the rest of the day, as thismay cause you to feel stressed and anxious.

Inaddition, if you are not feeling good about something in your life, orif you find yourself feeling incredibly anxious, depressed, overwhelmed,or stressed-out, it is recommended that you do notembark on yourpsychedelic journey as it these emotions can negatively affect youroverall experience and trip.

Whilemany people who use psychedelics do so in the hopes of achieving atherapeutic effect, the ability of psychedelics to magnify and enhancecertain emotional states is something to take intoconsideration.Especially if you are using psychedelics to escape a particularlytraumatising or difficult emotional experience - As instead of‘escaping’ it, you may in fact enhance it. Seeking priorprofessionalsupport, help and assistance of any sort is incredibly important if youare struggling with your mental health or emotional state in any way.

Settingrefers to the external environment/space/setting you take your magicmushrooms in as well as everything that’s going on around you at thetime of your psychedelic experience. Your‘setting’ can include anythingfrom the people you surround yourself with and their specificbehaviours, the smell in the air, the weather and temperature,particular sounds or music playing, eventhe cultural forces that aren’tas readily visible can have an impact. For example, the social realityor realization that the psychedelics you are taking is illegal, and inmany places highlystigmatized, is a prime example of one of the moreobvious cultural set-and-setting conditions that may shape or influenceyour psychedelic experience.

Yoursetting can have a significant effect on your overall psychedelicjourney. For a positive psychedelic experience, it is important to takeyour magic mushrooms in a comfortable, safe setting,and while you arein a positive frame of mind – especially if you are a first-time user.It is however good to acknowledge that there is no perfect setting for apsychedelic experience that applies toevery single person. The idealsetting will therefore vary from one individual to the next. It ishighly personalised and dependant on what makes you feel safe,receptive, and comfortable.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when deciding on your specific setting for your psychedelic experience:

• Safety: If you find yourself in a particular state or situation,can you easily access medical/emotional support if needed?

• Social support: Who are the people you want to be/or should bepresent during your psychedelic experience? If you are embarking on yourpsychedelic journey with others, it is importantthat they are peoplethat you know and trust

• Comforts: Are there any items, spaces, food, music etc. that youneed to feel more relaxed and comfortable? It is important to be in anenvironment that is both familiar and comfortable. Ifyou are not doingit in your own home, make sure you take personal items along that willmake you feel calm, comfortable and in control if you start to feelanxious or overwhelmed at any momentduring your experience.Familiarity, comfort and a sense of safety and security is everything inthese situations. In addition, it is ideal to do it in a safe andrelaxed space where you can easily sit orlie down, it is not too hot ortoo cold, and you have easy access to water, bathroom facilities, andanything else you might need during your trip.

• Familiarity: Are you someone that gets anxious easily when exposed to unfamiliar places, people, and experiences?

• Group rituals VS. Individual psychedelic rituals

Anotherfactor to consider when taking magic mushrooms or embarking on yourmagic mushroom psychedelic journey is whether you’d like to take part ina group psychedelic ritual or experienceit on your own. Typically apsychedelic-assisted psychotherapy environment would be a quiet andprivate space with a few non-intrusive home-like decorations as well as acouch to create acalming and soothing atmosphere, promoting a naturalsense of safety and comfort.

Takingpart in a psychedelic group ritual on the other hand, offers anentirely different psychedelic experience all together compared to apersonal ritual. In psychedelic group rituals, people canoften enlistthe support of participants to “hold space” for one another.

Asopposed to psychedelic group rituals, many people who take psychedelicsprefer to experience their psychedelic journey in solitude, especiallyif they are experienced in the world ofpsychedelics. They view it astheir own personal journey of self-reflection and self-discovery.

Whetheryou prefer your psychedelic journey to be a collective group experienceor a more private, intimate, individual journey is entirely up to youas well as your personal values, needs, andsocial identity.

Trip sitters
Asa psychedelic trip can be unpredictable at times, it is recommended tohave a trusted and sober person called a “trip sitter” with you, just incase social support is needed - especially if it is yourfirst timetaking psychedelics. ‘Trip sitters’ are very familiar with psychedelicsand the psychedelic state and will act as a trusted, responsible,calming, grounded and guiding force and presencethroughout yourexperience. Trip sitters essentially act as trip guardians, taking careof everything from ensuring safe dosage, keeping a watchful eye, andtaking the necessary precautions toensure trippers remain safe andunharmed, handling any emergency situations that may arise. In additionto ensuring the physical safety of trippers, trip sitters can alsoassume a more active role,acting as a mental tour-guide throughout thepsychedelic journey. This involves steering a person’s psychedelic triptowards certain, intentional states of being and away from negative,distressingones. Thereby enhancing the tripper’s psychedelic journeyand experience as a whole.

How to use magic mushrooms
Whilethe most common way to consume and take magic mushrooms is by eatingthem, there are several alternatives. Although eating magic mushrooms isthe most popular, some individualsfind the taste and texture to behighly unpleasant. Lucky for you, you can consume these magicalpsychedelics in a variety of other ways too! To make the magic mushroomsmore pleasant andpalatable, people often brew them as a tea, mix themwith peanut butter or Nutella (or whatever yummy, sweet treat youdesire), or blend them into a smoothie – the choice is yours! It is alsopossible to grind dry mushrooms into a powder and make them intocapsules. This method in particular has proved to be especiallybeneficial and appropriate for those individuals wishing tomicrodosemushrooms for medicinal use.

Theseare merely a few alternative suggestions. So, why not seize the magicmushrooms day, get creative and create your very own delicious magicmushroom concoction.

Best kind of magic mushrooms
Thereare many different kinds of magic mushrooms, with over 180 differentspecies of magic mushrooms discovered to date. As all magic mushroomspecies and variations contain the sameactive ingredient/compound,psilocybin, it is hard to declare one type and/or species of magicmushroom as better than the rest. However, if you are basing yourdecision of the best kind of magicmushroom on potency alone – one ofthe most potent varieties of magic mushrooms is Psilocybe Cyanescens,also known as wavy caps. Another highly potent magic mushroom isPsilocybeAazurescens, commonly known as Blue Runners, Blue Angels,Azzies, or Flying Saucers. Psilocybe Azurescens is among the most potentof the tryptamine-bearing mushrooms in the world,containing thehighest percentages of psilocin (0.38 percent), psilocybin (up to 1.78percent), and baeocystin (0.35 percent). Psilocybe Aazurescens is widelyknown for its intense visuals andprofound inner journeys. Their potentstrength also makes them popular for microdosing.

Besides these two potent magic mushrooms, other common and popular types of magic mushrooms include:

• Psilocybe semilanceata
• Psilocybe cubensis
• Psilocybe subcubensis
• Potential benefits of magic mushrooms

Whilepsilocybin mushrooms, AKA Magic Mushrooms, are well known for theirpowerful psychedelic effects, few people are aware that these magicalmushrooms offer a number of significantphysical and mental healthbenefits. But, we’re incredibly happy to report that although there isstill a long way to go, the magic mushroom tide is finally starting toshift as more and more scientificand research studies are sheddinglight on the potential mental and physical health benefits ofmicrodosing psilocybin mushrooms. From managing mental health conditionslike depression andanxiety, aiding in the maintenance of various formsof addiction, supporting several health issues, enhancing creativityand increasing productivity to improving overall mood and well-being (tomention just a few), researchers are finally acknowledging thepotentially far-reaching benefits of magic mushrooms.

Psilocybinmushrooms also boast some powerful therapeutic benefits and havealready been decriminalized in several countries around the world asresearchers continue to dive deeper into theirpotential to treatnumerous disorders and conditions.

Hereis a general overview of some of the potential health benefits of magicmushrooms, although new research and studies are continuously beingconducted, resulting in an ever evolving andgrowing list.

Treatment & management of mental health condition (depression, anxiety etc)
Thebulk of the research regarding psilocybin mushrooms and its potentialhealth benefits has been focused on using magic mushrooms to treat andmanage a range of mental health, psychiatric,and behaviouraldisorders. Some of which include, anxiety, depression, post-traumaticstress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, cluster headaches, aswell as quitting addictive behaviourssuch as smoking, alcoholism, andother drug addictions. In addition to other mental health conditions,magic mushrooms have most notably been proven to help with depression.In fact, psilocybintherapy was recently given “breakthrough therapy”designation (a review fast track) by the FDA for the treatment ofdepression.

Assists in the management of addiction & addictive behaviours
Accordingto research, another important use for psilocybin mushrooms is aidingin the cessation of smoking, drinking, and other forms of addiction byhelping individuals manage and control theiraddictive behaviours. Whileresearch may be limited on this topic, a recent study conducted by JohnHopkins University, led by Matthew Johnson, PhD, associate professor ofpsychiatry andbehavioural sciences at Johns Hopkins University Schoolof Medicine, found that psilocybin mushrooms significantly improved theprocess of quitting smoking cigarettes over a 12 month follow-upperiod.Besides smoking, according to associate professor Matthew Johnson,psilocybin also has the potential to treat other substance usedisorders, including alcohol and cocaine addiction.

Potential improvements in brain functioning
Basedon recent studies microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms could offer alot of support and help with brain repair and cell growth. There hasbeen anecdotal evidence that supports the factthat microdosingpsilocybin mushrooms has the potential to improve brain functioning byenabling the brain to function and operate at its full potential. Latestanalysis and studies have alsohighlighted the potential of psilocybinmushrooms to stimulate the growth of new brain cells.

Alleviates symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Anotherpotential health benefit of microdosing psilocybin mushrooms is itsability to alleviate symptoms of OCD. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder(also known as OCD) is an anxiety or psychiatricdisorder in whichpeople have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas, or sensations(obsessions) that make them feel driven to do something repetitively(compulsions). Several scientific studies,including a study conductedby the University of Arizona in 2006, has shown that psilocybinmushrooms are very effective at reducing and alleviating the symptomsof obsessive-compulsivedisorder.

Enhances creativity & creative thinking
Severalstudies and scientific research have found that psilocybin mushroommicrodosing and the use of magic mushrooms can boost levels of cognitivecreativity. A study conducted byresearchers at the Imperial College ofLondon found that the use of psilocybin mushrooms is associated withincreased openness, cognitive flexibility, and enhanced levels ofcreative thinking. Inaddition, psychedelics in general, and magicmushrooms specifically, can enable states where our conscious experienceof the world is freed from its association with our specific ego.Accordingto research, these expansive, and sometimes life-changingexperiences can often help us feel more connected and alive – furtherenhancing our creativity and boosting our creative thinking.

Enhanced “openness” and other beneficial shifts in personality
Whilehumans are born open, full of love, eager to connect and explore theworld, various life experiences, trauma, challenges, and sufferings cancause us to close down. In a recent studyresearchers found asignificant increase in openness following the use of magic mushrooms.Openness is a psychological term used to describe someone's attitudetowards new experiences, andis associated with traits like creativity,imagination, and aesthetic appreciation.

Significant Spiritual benefits
Alongwith various physical and mental health benefits, magic mushrooms havelong been praised for their profound spiritual benefits. In fact, therewas a famous study done at Johns HopkinsUniversity regarding thespiritual benefits and healing powers of psilocybin mushrooms which leftresearchers stunned. According to Dr. Roland Griffiths from JohnsHopkins University, psilocybinis an exceptional tool for unlocking themysteries of human consciousness. Some of the most profound benefits andfindings include a strong sense of inter-connectedness to all things, arisingsense of self-confidence, clarity and communal responsibility,altruism, and social justice. In another study carried out by JohnsHopkins University investigating the spiritual benefits of psilocybin,out of the 36 adults that participated, two-thirds of them reported thattheir experience was among the top five most spiritually significantexperiences of their entire lives, with a dozen of themsaying it wasthe single most profound spiritual experience they ever had.

Additionalspiritual benefits of psilocybin mushrooms include a deep-rooted senseof self-discovery and self-reflection. Those who have taken psilocybinmushrooms also report feelings ofenhanced overall wellbeing,interconnection, and a renewed appreciation for life itself.

Enhanced personal growth
Researchindicates that magic mushrooms have a high potential for long-lastingpersonal growth. According to a study conducted by Johns Hopkins, “94%of volunteers said the experienceincreased their sense of well-being orlife satisfaction moderately or very much, and 89% rated moderate orhigher changes in positive behaviour.” What made these result even moreprofound isthe fact that the ratings remained high even 14 months afterthe study was conducted. The most common types of behaviour changescited by these individuals include better social relationshipswithfamily and others, increased physical and psychological self-care, andincreased spiritual practice.

Aids in the management of Cancer-related symptoms
Fordecades magic mushrooms have been touted as having no health benefitsor medicinal value and was simply regarded as nothing more than youraverage hallucinogenic party drug – ofcourse, this couldn’t be furtherfrom the truth! In an effort to further investigate and shed light onthe various potentially life-altering benefits and medicinal value ofpsilocybin mushrooms,researchers at New York University and JohnHopkins conducted one of the largest set of trials for studying thetherapeutic effects of psilocybin mushrooms on cancer patients. To theshock andastonishment of many, approximately 80% of the cancer patientswho underwent the trail showed major reductions in psychologicalstress, nervousness, anxiety, and depression for up to sevenmonths orlonger after only one psilocybin mushroom experience. In addition to theincredibly promising and remarkable results and healing benefits, noother significant side effects have beendocumented.

Hereis a list of additional mental and physical health benefits ofmicrodosing psilocybin mushrooms/magic mushrooms that have been reportedby several research studies and individuals:

• Improved focus, concentration, and mindfulness
• Improved energy, wakefulness, and stimulation
• Cognitive benefits, such as enhanced problem solving
• Social benefits
• Enhanced creativity
• Reduced symptoms, such as stress
• Improved relational skills.
• Improved mood, optimism, and life appreciation
• Improved body functioning
• Self-efficacy, including improved ambition, productivity, and motivation
• Heighten spiritual awareness and enhanced senses

Whilesome strides have certainly been made in the psychedelic world, withsome researchers believing that psilocybin mushrooms could see approvalin the near future, the movementsurrounding the legalization ofpsilocybin mushrooms is not progressing nearly as swiftly asthe legalization of marijuana. Unfortunately, the Controlled SubstanceAct still classifies magicmushrooms as a Schedule 1 Substance.Therefore, anyone wishing to try psilocybin for medical use may havedifficulty accessing it depending on your location and the lawssurrounding it.Individuals’ best course of action in these cases may beto investigate whether any clinical trials are ongoing in their area,or travel to retreat centres in places in the world where magicmushrooms are considered legal.

10.Side-effects & risks
Undoubtedlyone of the top questions and concerns surrounding magic mushrooms iswhether or not they are safe to consume, and if so, what are the risksand potential side-effects associatedwith taking them. Despite whatmost people think and what you were taught in D.A.R.E., psilocybinmushrooms/magic mushrooms are deemed physiologically safe for healthypeople. In fact, forthe past few years magic mushrooms have ranked asthe Global Drug Survey’s safest illicit substance – yes, even safer thancannabis – The main reason being that they put the least amount ofpeople in the hospital.

Accordingto research and scientific literature, psilocybin has a low riskof toxicity, overdose, or addiction. In fact, there is researchand evidence that magic mushrooms could benefit people withvariousaddictions. Psilocybin mushrooms/magic mushrooms, and most psychedelicsfor that matter, are also not considered addictive because theirexperiences are generally too profound forcompulsive use. This can beattributed to the fact that magic mushrooms don’t tend to give users anescape like alcohol or opioids, but rather offer a deeper introspectivelook at oneself, eliciting ajourney of self-discovery.

However, psilocybin does have the potential to cause some adverse reactions and side effects in certain individuals.

The most common side effects of magic mushrooms/psilocybin mushrooms include:

• Nausea
• Sweating
• Tremors
• Changes in heart rate and blood pressure
• Increased tendon reflexes
• Dilated pupils

Someother side-effects and adverse reactions of taking magic mushroomsinclude paranoia, mood swings, anxiety, and panic attacks. Thesereactions are most likely to be triggered when youare having a badtrip. However, the likelihood of these negative effects and reactionscan be minimised and managed through proper preparation, safe usepractices (like enlisting a sober “tripsitter”) and fostering apositive mindset before your psychedelic journey. Your set and settingare therefore vital in minimizing the risk of these adverse feelings andreactions, setting you up for apositive psychedelic experience.However, in some instances, even if you have the ideal set and settingand have done all you can to properly prepare for your psychedelic trip,sometimes a badtrip can still occur.

Itis important to keep in mind that a difficult or challenging trip isnot the same as a bad trip. In the case of a difficult trip, rather thanfighting the feelings you are experiencing, it is usually better toletgo and embrace them. A difficult trip often happens for a specificreason or purpose and may lead to personal growth, development, orlearning. This may however be incredibly challenging fora first-timemagic mushroom user to understand and navigate as opposed to someonethat is experienced in taking magic mushrooms and is therefore wellversed in the ins and outs of apsychedelic journey. This is where atrip sitter can be of great use.

Althoughvery rare, some people may experience a condition called hallucinogenpersisting perception disorder (HPPD). Essentially, HPPD is when a userexperiences hallucinations or“flashbacks” after the trip is alreadyover. It can also cause altered perception for several weeks or monthsafter using a psychedelic. However, reported cases of HPPD disorder arevery rare.

Forpeople who suffer from chronic mental or physical health conditions,taking magic mushrooms may be considered riskier compared to the average‘healthy’ individual, or, at the very least, willrequire extra supportbefore, during, and after their psychedelic experience. The mainpotential contraindications for taking magic mushrooms include:

• Heart conditions
• Psychotic spectrum disorder
Pregnancy and/or breastfeeding
• The use of certain medications

Ifyou suffer from any other chronic mental or physical health condition,it is highly advised that you do the necessary research or consult adoctor or medical professional regarding whether or notpsilocybin hasthe potential to aggravate your condition or interact with your chronicmedication.

Finally,it is very important that you do not take/mix magic mushrooms withcertain medications. Magic mushrooms can interact adversely with a rangeof medications, especially those withpsychoactive properties as wellas any drugs that affect the serotonin system. For example, certainantidepressants, SSRIs, Adderall, Xanax, or serotonin supplements suchas 5-HTP. In addition,certain recreational drugs and drinking alcoholalso has the potential to cause adverse reactions when taken with magicmushrooms.

Magic Mushrooms 101 - Everything you need to know - Mushly. (2024)


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