Harry Potter Magic Awakened best cards tier list – July 2023 (2024)

Harry Potter Magic Awakened is a fantastic MMORPG deck builder in which getting the best cards is the best way to become the best witch or wizard. It seems self-explanatory, but determining what cards are the best is tricky. Because of that, here is your guide on the best cards in Harry Potter Magic Awakened.

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Note: If you’re curious about the best cards inHarry Potter Magic Awakened, you might also be interested in the best wands in the game.

What are the best cards inHarry Potter Magic Awakened?

While more cards are added with every major update and season, Harry Potter Magic Awakened currently has around 75 cards. These cards range from spells, summons, support, and companions.

The beauty of Harry Potter Magic Awakened is that there are a lot of viable deck types, which means some cards work better with certain playstyles. If you make a strong summon deck, then you need specific companions and support cards with little to no spell cards. If you’re trying to make a high-cost spell deck, then you’ll want to avoid summons and select support and companion cards carefully.

To help you know which cards are the best inHarry Potter Magic Awakened, I have broken down the cards into categories: spells, support, summons, and companions.

Best spell cards in Harry Potter Magic Awakened

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  • Avada Kedavra
  • Crucio
  • Orb of Water

The best spell cards inHarry Potter Magic Awakened are Avada Kedavra, Crucio, Orb of Water, and Fiendfyre.

Avada Kedavra and Crucio are the only two Dark Cards in the game right now and they are both extremely powerful. Avada Kedavra gets more powerful with each kill and becomes an instant kill after four kills. Crucio is the best AoE attack in the game as it deals very high damage and stuns enemies in an area.

Orb of Water is a Legendary card, so it’s not as rare as the Dark and Mythic cards, but this card is still a very powerful spell. Orb of Water does what Inflatus does but much better by immobilizing multiple targets while dealing high damage.

Best support cards in Harry Potter Magic Awakened

  • Phoenix
  • Niffler
  • Essence of Dittany
  • Protego Totalum
  • Swelling Solution

While the support cards are technically spell and summon cards, these specific cards are essential support cards regardless of your deck. Phoenix is a great summon card that provides constant healing and you only need to play it once for it to be excellent because it’ll constantly be reborn. Niffler is a great card for MP regeneration.

Essence of Dittany is my favorite heal card because you cast it once for a big heal and any ally in the area continues to get healed, which is really good for summons. Protego Totalum is excellent to counter enemy AoE attacks and to protect your summons. Swelling Solution is the least best on this list, but I love it since it makes you, your companions, and your summons much stronger.

Best summon cards inHarry Potter Magic Awakened

  • Baby Antipodean Opaleye
  • Norwegian Ridgeback Egg
  • Piertotum Locomotor

Baby Antipodean Opaleye is easily the best summon in the game since it deals huge AoE damage and has a lot of health. Norwegian Ridgeback Egg is more complicated to use, but when executed right, it is a very powerful summon that deals high single-target damage.

Lastly, Piertotum Locomotor is an amazing summon that puts two slow knights on the field. The only way to counter this card is to have high mobility which usually isn’t the case.

Best companion cards in Harry Potter Magic Awakened

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  • Ron Weasley
  • Malfoy Gang
  • Hermione Granger

Ron Weasley is the only Mythic card in the game right now and he is clearly the best companion card. Use Ron Weasley first to deal very high AoE damage — great for dealing with summons and your enemy opponent.

Malfoy Gang is one of the best companions. This card works like a summon card; place it down and let your minions deal damage. Hermione Granger is an excellent companion because she will cast the same spell cards you cast, similar to the Time Turner card, but better.

Best cards inHarry Potter Magic Awakened ranked – Tier list

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We’ll get to the ranking of every card inHarry Potter Magic Awakened, but first, here is every card in the game with its mana cost if it has one.

  • Prior Incantato (0) – Spell
  • Broomstick (2) – Spell
  • Niffler (2) – Summon
  • Oppugno (2) – Spell
  • Swelling Solution (2) – Spell
  • Expluso (2) – Spell
  • Nebulus (2) – Spell
  • Portkey (2) – Spell
  • Spider (3) – Summon
  • Incarerous (3) – Spell
  • Centaur (3) – Summon
  • Cornish Pixies (3) – Summon
  • The Monster Book of Monsters (3) – Summon
  • Ashwinder (3) – Summon
  • Episkey (3) – Spell
  • Expelliarmus (3) – Spell
  • Essence of Dittany (3) – Spell
  • Weasley’s Firework Box (3) – Spummon
  • Bombtastic Bomb Box (3) – Summon
  • Bewitched Snowballs (3) – Spell
  • Side-Along Apparition (3) – Spell
  • Stupefy (3) – Spell
  • Inflatus (3) – Spell
  • Baby Manticore (3) – Spell
  • Acromantula Venom (4) – Spell
  • Bludger (4) – Spell
  • Ventus (4) – Spell
  • Thunderbird (4) – Summon
  • Matagot (4) – Summon
  • Incendio (4) – Spell
  • Tebo (4) – Summon
  • Atmospheric Charm (4) – Spell
  • Sectumsempra (4) – Spell
  • Occamy (4) – Summon
  • Howler (4) – Summon
  • Accio (4) – Spell
  • Troll (5) – Summon
  • Glacius (5) – Spell
  • Confringo (5) – Spell
  • Fire Crab (5) – Summon
  • Unicorn (5) – Summon
  • Erumpent (5) – Summon
  • Crucio (5) – Spell
  • Acromantula’s Nest (5) – Summon
  • Fwoopers (5) – Summon
  • Whomping Willow (5) – Summon
  • Protego Totalum (5) – Spell
  • Protego Diabloica (5) – Spell
  • Time Turner (5) – Spell
  • Aquamenti (5) – Spell
  • Avada Kedavra (6) – Spell
  • Piertotum Locomoto (6) – Summon
  • Baby Antipodean Opaleye (6) – Summon
  • Orb of Water (6) – Spell
  • Glacius Maxima (6) – Spell
  • Fiendfyre (7) – Spell
  • Norwegian Ridgeback Egg (7) – Summon
  • Phoenix (7) – Summon
  • Thunderstorm (7) – Spell
  • Stack of Monster Book of Monsters (7) – Summon
  • Weasleys’ Wildfire Whiz-Bangs (7) – Spell
  • Three-Headed Puppy (14) – Summon
  • Blast-Ended Skrewt (16) – Summon
  • Ron Weasley – Companion
  • Cassandra Vole – Companion
  • Ivy Warrington – Companion
  • Robyn Thistlethwaite – Companion
  • Kevin Farrell – Companion
  • Grawp – Companion
  • Rubeus Hagrid – Companion
  • Lottie Turner – Companion
  • Daniel Page – Companion
  • Frey Twins – Companion
  • Malfoy Gang – Companion
  • Hermoine Granger – Companion

In no particular order, here are the S-tier, A-tier, B-tier, C-tier, and D-tier cards inHarry Potter Magic Awakened.

S-tier cards –Harry Potter Magic Awakened

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  • Avada Kedavra
  • Crucio
  • Orb of Water
  • Phoenix
  • Essence of Dittany
  • Protego Totalum
  • Baby Antipodean Opaleye
  • Norwegian Ridgeback Egg
  • Piertotum Locomotor
  • Ron Weasley
  • Malfoy Gang
  • Hermione Granger

The S-tier cards inHarry Potter Magic Awakened are the cards that deal the most damage and have the best utility. As far as summons and companions go, S-tier cards have really high health and deal a lot of damage. These cards may cost more mana than others, but they are worth it thanks to their surefire success.

A-tier cards – Harry Potter Magic Awakened

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  • Swelling Solution
  • Niffler
  • Protego Diabolica
  • Fiendfyre
  • Thunderstorm
  • Bombtastic Bomb Box
  • Incendio
  • Tebu
  • Time Turner
  • Glacius Maxima
  • Stack of Monster Book of Monsters
  • Weasley’s Firework Box
  • Incarcerous
  • Thunderbird
  • Occamy
  • Expelliarmus
  • Sectumsemptra
  • Weasleys’ Wildfire Whiz-Bangs
  • Blast-Ended Skrewt
  • Nebulus
  • Lottie Turner
  • Ivy Warrington
  • Cassandra Vole

The A-tier cards are incredible additions to any deck. The spell cards either deal good damage or block the opponent in some way, the summons (in which there are a lot of them) are all fantastic units, and the companions all have special tricks that make them uniquely powerful. My favorite is Lottie Turner, especially in a high-cost spell deck.

B-tier cards – Harry Potter Magic Awakened

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  • Bludger
  • Three-Headed Puppy
  • Ventus
  • Baby Manticores
  • Accio
  • Confringo
  • Unicorn
  • Ashwinder
  • Bewitched Snowballs
  • Prior Incantato
  • Episkey
  • Atmospheric Charm
  • Glacius
  • Aquamenti
  • Acromantula Venom
  • Matagot
  • Fire Crab
  • Spiders
  • Rubeus Hagrid
  • Frey Twins
  • Daniel Page

The B-tier cards are cards that can do well in decks, but there are better options. The spell cards deal good damage, the summons can be used effectively, and the support cards are okay, but again, everything here gets outranked. One or two B-tier cards can be good, but a full deck of B-tier will underperform. Also, I don’t recommend picking any of the B-tier companions as A-tier and S-tier are much better.

C-tier cards – Harry Potter Magic Awakened

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  • Expulso
  • Inflatus
  • Whomping Willow
  • Erumpent
  • Broomstick
  • Centaur
  • Monster Book of Monsters
  • Howler
  • Oppugno
  • Stupefy
  • Acromantula’s Nest
  • Cornish Pixies
  • Grawp
  • Kevin Farrell
  • Robyn Thistlethwaite

C-tier cards are great beginner cards, but I recommend you replace them quickly. It can be good to have one C-tier card in your deck since they usually cost low MP, but don’t include more than one C-tier card. The S-tier, A-tier, and B-tier spells, summons, and companions are much better than everything in this list, so I recommend filling your deck with those better cards.

D-tier cards – Harry Potter Magic Awakened

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  • Fwoopers
  • Side-Along Apparition
  • Troll
  • Portkey

The D-tier cards are the worst cards inHarry Potter Magic Awakened. Though you may still find some use for them, every other card is a better option 90% of the time.

And those are the best cards in Harry Potter Magic Awakened. Feel free to keep this tab open to help you determine what kind of deck you want to build. If you need help getting good cards, I highly recommend you check out the best ways to get Golden Keys.

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Harry Potter Magic Awakened best cards tier list – July 2023 (2024)


What is the most powerful card in Magic Awakened? ›

Harry Potter : Magic Awakened Card Tier List | The Best Cards
Card NameMaximum power
Avada Kedavra375+
Lightning Storm615+
3 more rows
Jun 27, 2023

What is the best legendary card in Magic Awakened? ›

The Best Legendary Card: Orb of Water

By casting this card, you can attract all the foes towards it and deal damage over time. Then, at the end of the casting, the Orb will explode, stunning all non-wizard enemies while restricting the movement of wizard enemies.

What is the plot of Harry Potter: Magic Awakened? ›

Synopsis. Set ten years after the second wizarding war, the story begins with the player receiving a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts. Accompanied by Rubeus Hagrid, the protagonist visits Diagon Alley to purchase magical items like a wand and an owl as a pet.

Who are the characters in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened? ›

These characters are Harry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid, Dobby, Hermione Granger, Fred and George Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange, Severus Snape, Newton Scamander, Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom. In the Chinese version, Sirius Black, Ronald Weasley, Ginevra Weasley and Filius Flitwick are also available.

What are God cards in Magic? ›

The gods of Theros are indestructible legendary enchantment creatures (living enchantments). For this reason, all enchantments on this plane are thought to be gifts from the gods, a unique form of magic enabled by divinities. The gods grant their favors to those whose devotion is great enough.

What is the max card level in Magic awakened? ›

Spellbook & Card Update

Players who have reached Spellbook level 100 will have three tasks to complete to unlock these additional levels. Max Card level has increased to 18. With this change, some Spellbook and Card levels may change on player accounts, we will send out compensation to players affected.

What is the best spell in Harry Potter awakened? ›

1) Avada Kedavra

It shouldn't be surprising that the strongest unforgivable curse in Harry Potter Magic Awakened is also one of the most powerful Spell cards in the game. Avada Kedavra boasts a power of 367+, damaging the first enemy it hits.

What is the highest selling Magic card? ›

An Alpha Black Lotus graded by CGC Cards™ now holds the record for the highest price paid for any Magic: The Gathering card — $3 MILLION! The Black Lotus, Magic: The Gathering (1993) Limited Edition Alpha graded CGC Pristine 10 is the only CGC Pristine 10 example in the CGC Cards Population Report as of April 2024.

Does JK Rowling get money from Magic Awakened? ›

Editor's Note: Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling has been accused of transphobia by those in the LGBTQ+ community. Although not directly involved in the development of Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, Rowling does stand to earn royalties from the game.

What is the master of magic title in magic awakened? ›

Master of Magic is a feature that requires having at least 3 Cards with more than 7.5k Proficiency. When you meet the requirements, it will display 4 of your Cards that have the highest Proficiency and more than 7.5k Proficiency before a duel.

What house is Daniel Page in? ›

Daniel does not have a set House. He will be sorted into the House that the player chooses to be in. Rob DeBorde implied that the trio (the player, Ivy, Daniel) in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened were mirroring the Golden Trio.

What house is Cassandra in? ›

Cassandra Vole was sorted into Slytherin before the Sorting Hat even touched her head—as if there was another choice! She's more attractive, more talented, and more popular than any other witch in the school.

Is there romance in Harry Potter Magic Awakened? ›

Unfortunately, for now, Magic Awakened does not have any romance options that players were looking forward to. While players can interact with and deepen their bonds with some of the most iconic characters from the Harry Potter franchise, they will unfortunately not be able to romance any of them.

Is Snape a wizard? ›

Like some other prominent members of Slytherin house, Snape is shown to be a clever and cunning wizard.

What is the most powerful Magic card? ›

Each new set has a chance to introduce the world to the next best MTG creature card.
  1. 1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is the mother of all Eldrazi cards, figuratively.
  2. 2 Progenitus. ...
  3. 3 Blightsteel Colossus. ...
  4. 4 Atraxa, Praetors' Voice. ...
  5. 5 Snapcaster Mage. ...
  6. 6 True-Name Nemesis. ...
  7. 7 Griselbrand. ...
  8. 8 Tarmogoyf. ...

What is the most powerful in card? ›

The ace of spades (also known as the Spadille, Old Frizzle, and Death Card) is traditionally the highest and most valued card in the deck of playing cards. The actual value of the card varies from game to game.

What is the most powerful card in existence? ›

The most powerful credit card in the world is the Centurion® Card from American Express, which is famously known as the "black card" and seen as a status symbol for rich and influential people.

What is the most powerful god card? ›

The three god cards reflect the order of a hierarchy that resembles a pyramid meaning the Winged Dragon of Ra is the most powerful and represents the top of a pyramid in Yu-Gi-Oh!. On the other hand, Obelisk and Slifer represent the base meaning they are both equals and less powerful than Ra.


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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